
Night Two

A close friend set up a meal train for my mom and me at the end of October. I was hesitant because I was embarrassed by the circumstances and just didn’t want anyone else to know about it, but it has been a lifesaver. It was one less thing I had to worry about while I tried to juggle things.

I was surprised and heartened by how many people brought us food and made donations or sent gift cards. My mom was even more surprised and fretted over how far some of the people drove but I explained that this is how the community shows its love and support. Among the people who contributed was the parent of twins that I taught in religious school, WRJ members, an organization whose board I sit on, and many of my friends and coworkers. I don’t know how to fully express the gratitude my mom and I have for everyone. I truly didn’t know that so many people cared so much about me and my mom. This year has been terrible in many ways, but this realization makes it easier to get through.

“A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness.”

Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi

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