Day 363

I have the gestational diabetes test tomorrow morning, ugh. I’m not looking forward to it, but I know it’s necessary. I’m kind of resigned to the idea that I do have it, but I’m really hoping I don’t. 

At least I’m feeling better about my current class after going over my final assessment with my clinical faculty mentor. I’ve had more trouble concentrating and processing information during this class, but things are making more sense now, so I’m thankful for that. 

Now, onto finding a photographer to do some maternity photos. I wasn’t initially going to do those, but I do want to have those memories in print and have them around for my daughter if and when she becomes curious and/or pregnant herself. 

One comment

  1. That test is not so bad. It just the stuff you have to drink (it’s really sweet) I’m sure you’ll be fine. As for a photographer her name is Tiffany Hopwood. She is great.! Tell her that you are my cousin. She was married to my oldest son before it went sideways. We are still great friends. You can find her on Instagram samples of her work
    If for some reason you can not get ahold of her that way. Text me and I’ll give you her information.

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