Day 166

I’m still not sleeping well and having strange dreams. I thought I’d be able to sleep better this weekend, but I wasn’t and I’m exhausted. I don’t really know what’s going on and I’m not inclined to do any self-reflection at the moment. 

This is my favorite time of year at Temple. The preschool is preparing for another school year, staff are busy with High Holy Days prep, and more people are beginning to come into the building. I have some sort of vague idea of trying to do some spiritual prep since Elul begins on Thursday, but we’ll see how that goes. 


  1. Hopefully when you are settled with the new move, you’ll feel more relaxed. But it’s no wonder with that, the new YL+E year and High Holidays, and renovations that you can’t get a lot of sleep! Who could? Give yourself a break and keep breathing. You are loved!

  2. Congratulations on your new move. I’m sorry you are not sleeping well
    You have alot of things on your plate. Like the person before me give yourself a break. My mom used to tell me to just stop and breathe. Amazingly it helps. Thinking of you.

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