Day 94
Faces of ___
Public Face
I do what I am asked
I am a responsible adult
I am trying to be
the hard worker
the caring daughter
the good citizen
Yet, there seems to be a void
I keep searching,
Pushing through the wilds of my mind,
But nothing seems to fit
Private Face
I resent the things I am asked to do
I am only imitating being an adult
I do not want to be
the worker who is burning out
the exhausted, worried daughter
the frightened and uncertain citizen
There is very much a void
But I don’t know where to look
Thoughts overlap, noises overwhelm
Maybe nothing will ever fit
Secret Face
I am doing things no one can see
I am close to discovering my adult self
I dream of being
the worker who has somewhere else to be
the daughter who can escape, if only for a night
the citizen who can forget reality for a moment
Maybe this will fill the void
I look into the darker side
It feels illicit, tinged with danger
But I think this may fit
And I am almost afraid of how much I want this