Day 50
Today was unexpected.
There was a grade-level program today, with both the kids and their parents. One of my students’ parents couldn’t make it, so I filled in, which meant doing a quick text study and then decorating a box. I actually really enjoyed doing the text study with my student; it was fun to ask her questions and see how she interpreted the prayer we were reading. The funny thing (at least to me) was that I think she enjoyed it too.
After class, I went to Tiferet Israel with Rabbi Utley and Rabbi Kim to be a mikveh witness for a conversion. It was really lovely to be back in the mikveh, even though the last time I was there it was a little less joyous, on account of my mom and I getting into an argument before I completed my conversion. Rabbi Kim suggested that perhaps I come back to the mikveh for a special occasion and when I mentioned that I’ll be 30 in May, we agreed that would be a perfect time. I’m thinking seriously about doing it, as it would be a good way to mark a major birthday and maybe it would add a spiritual (and more positive) vibe, which I can always use more of. I did want to mark my 30th birthday in a significant way and it had never occurred to me that the mikveh would be a perfect way of doing that.
So, all in all, it was actually a pretty good day.