Day 167
A poem to begin your Shabbat.
A poem for Shabbat by Stacey Robinson
And so we stand
On the edge of this week
Pebbles strewn at our feet
The distance between us an endless heartbeat
The difference like night
Like day
Like light and darkness
Like God
Who separates the days
And brings us
Ever and always
To this holy edge
To this Shabbat
Where we stand
Trembling with effort
Weary from a week filled with
Noise and action and movement
Restless and driven
From one moment to the next
Until we are brought to this edge
This endless and always edge
To this Shabbat
Sacred and at peace
We pause
We breathe
At rest
With God
With one another
In a flickerflame of candle light
The setting of the sun
From one breath to the next
One heartbeat
We stand on the edge and cross into the infinite
As one
Into peace
Into Shabbat