Nine Months
Dear Eliza,
You are nine months old today! You have three teeth and are constantly moving. We’re pretty sure you’re close to walking, which I’m both excited and a little terrified about. You are a bright ray of sunshine in my life and I’m so grateful for you.
Grandma’s yarhtzeit is coming up and I’ve often thought of how she might have interacted with you. She would have loved you so much and it’s devastating that you will never meet her. I’m planning on taking you with me to the Shabbat service when her name is read, which is in a couple of weeks. I want to hold you extra tight when the rabbi says her name. I also plan on taking you into the memorial room and showing you the plaque with her name. I desperately wish you could have met her, but I’ll try my best to make sure you know all about her.
I love you so much and would do anything for you. You are a lucky little girl surrounded by so many people who love and care for you. I hope you can always feel that.
Wonderfully said . Your mom would have already spoiled a bunch!