Day 308

I had an ultrasound today and got to see baby girl. She’s doing great and is growing normally. We could see her moving and saw her profile and little nose, it was amazing. 

It’s been a nice start to the year so far. I leave on Saturday for my grad school intensive and then to Israel late next week. I’m excited but also a little apprehensive. It’s going to be the longest I’ve been away from home in a while and definitely since I met my fiancée. I’m going to miss him and his kids, as well as Maxine and Biscuit, his cat, but this is also kind of a milestone too. I have my own little nuclear family now, which will expand in May, which is amazing and I’m grateful. 

One comment

  1. It is so exciting to get to see the baby in the ultra sound. Be careful on your travels to Israel. I’ll be praying for youon your travels. Good luck on your grad school intensives.

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