Day 145

Random things:

  • Today’s flight was fine and I was surprisingly okay during the turbulence.
  • I’m in D.C. for the Society of American Archivists’ annual conference.
  • I’m finally visiting the Library of Congress tomorrow and I’m excited.
  • I also get to go to an open house at the National Archives as part of the conference.
  • The strange dreams continue and are now intermingling with upcoming events and current worries, so that is not fun.
  • I recorded a video for the RAC’s current campaign. I must have done 20+ takes before I was satisfied with the end product.
  • I’m on an AJL council call right now and will be on a RAC call immediately afterwards. I then plan on passing out.
  • My to do list just keeps growing.
  • Maxine is finally getting a bath and nail trim. I’m so grateful for her dog walker.
  • I found the copies of my mom’s death certificate after a frantic search yesterday that was accompanied by crying.
  • The last eight months have been an absolute rollercoaster.

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